In 2007, we began offering English Kids Camps at Steven's Stable in Sapporo City, which was one of the only English camps in Hokkaido at the time. Every year since then, we have had campers from all around Japan as well as other countries. In 2017, we have relocated our popular camps to a location surrounded by a beautiful natural environment in Iwamizawa City.

2017年夏、札幌市内で10年間行ってきたEnglish Kids Campsを岩見沢市東部地区ホテルメープルロッジ敷地内の建物をキャンプベースとし再スタート!北海道ならではの圧倒的な自然の中、沢山のアクティビティを用意して、皆様のお越しをお待ちしております!

English Kids Camps in Iwamizawa City are here for you!


Our Team

Camp Program

New Camps

Adult Camp

Q & A

Map & Contact



株式会社 オミード TEL:090-3391-9314                                                                                                        Copyright © English Kids Camps, 2007-2024

Steven Hojjati (スティーブン ホジャティ)

1986年来日。早稲田、世田谷で Steven's English Houseを開講。独自のレッスン内容とスタイルを確立し。子供英会話のオリジナル教材などを作る。
2007年、これまで日本人の子供に英会話を教えてきたノウハウを生かし、海外のキャンプを札幌で体験でる施設 Steven’s Stableを開設。
Certificate In Teaching Japanese Students - Oxford Univ. Press 取得
Certificate In Teaching English To Children 取得 

Aya Hojjati (ホジャティ 文)

2001年よりSteven’s English Houseのアシスタントとして、多くの子供たちを担当。2007年よりSteven’s Stableで英語キャンプの中の日本人スタッフを担当。全日本スキー連盟 準指導員取得。多くの子供たちにスキーを指導。キャンプ施設を開設にあたり、札幌市消防局主催の救命講習を受講、修了。


I am Lina from Texas, USA. I moved to Hokkaido five years ago with my husband. I love everything about Hokkaido (except hornets)! I really enjoy having fun with children and teaching them about English and my culture. I am looking forward to meeting the campers and having a great time at these camps!


I am Roland from Texas, USA. I teach English to young children in Sapporo and I really enjoy being with kids. I love sports and cooking. I play rugby and American football in Hokkaido. I enjoy camps because there are so many outdoor activities to do. I look forward to having fun with kids at camps.


I am Daniel from Texas, USA. I like being outddors, having fun and helping kids learn. I absolutely love beinga camp counselor at English Camps. For me, there is nothing more enjoyable, rewarding and satisfying than spending a summer positievely impacting childre's lives. Looking forward to meeting you all!


I am Simba. I love playing soccer. I am also passionate about languages, nature and Japan. I have a son, love kids and I am enthusiastic about being a part of their language learning experience at English camps. I am super excited to meet all of the campers and enjoy the outdoors with them.